Feature Image Chalk painting a Crib with FinishMax

Chalk Painting a Crib with the Super Finish Max

Easy Baby Crib Makeover

Materials Needed:


crib before


crib after

Project Steps:

Painting with Chalk Paint is amazing when you don't want to spend hours sanding and prepping a piece of furniture. But, painting with Chalk Paint by hand can take some time, especially if you're painting a crib! But with the new HomeRight Finish Max Super Paint Sprayeryou can now paint with Chalk Paint easily and with no brush stroke marks!

finish max


The Finish Max Super comes with three spray tips; that way you can select the perfect spray tip for your project based on the type of paint you'll be using. The instruction manual identifies what color tip to use for what type of paint, and with Chalk paint it suggests using the green tip.

finish max with tips


After assembling your Finish Max Super with the correct tip and paint you'll want to setup a place to spray your crib. I setup my Large Spray Shelter outside and laid down a plastic drop cloth.

large spray shelter


Next, I setup my crib under the spray shelter. Before you start painting, I highly recommend cleaning and wiping down the furniture. Even though Chalk Paint doesn't require you to sand the furniture you should always wipe it down to get excess dirt, dust, or grime off.

painting crib


Start painting! I love the finish Chalk Paint can give, so not having to paint the crib by hand is amazing. Can you imagine having to paint every rail by hand? Using the Finish Max Super makes this project much faster!
After I sprayed everything, I lightly brushed the areas I over-sprayed. I also did this to help give the crib a weathered look. Finally, I finished it with a light wax coat by hand. You can also spray a coat of polycrylic to seal the paint.

painting crib 2


Reassemble your crib and enjoy! This crib will soon be used for a new baby boy! You can head on over to my blog, A Shade of Teal for more projects! Thanks for reading!

crib after 2

Easy baby crib makeover using a paint sprayer

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